
Current Education Department Handwriting Syllabuses:

Click on the links below to download the most recent official Education Department handwriting syllabus materials for your region. These downloads are free. If you find that any of these links no longer work please let us know. The copyright in these resources is with the original creators and publishers.

  • New South Wales
    2711 kB

    Extract from "Writing K-12" NSW Department of Education. "Chapter VI – Handwriting: Teaching the Foundation Approach". Also used in Australian Capital Territory and some schools in Western Australia and Victoria. Latest Department of Education guidelines (2023) are available online here.

  • South Australia
    6958 kB

    "Handwriting in the South Australian Curriculum 2nd Edition" (2006). Also used by some schools in Western Australia.

  • New Zealand
    1258 kB

    "Teaching Handwriting".  New Zealand Ministry of Education.


Graphity! Free Resources & Information:

  • Coloured Dotted-Thirds GT_v2.1
    1304 kB

    Easy instructions for achieving custom and /or coloured dotted-thirds behind your letters in Microsoft Word (Mac and Windows). Useful for VIC, SA and TAS users who wish to have the exact dotted-thirds used in the syllabus documents for their State. Instructions apply to any application that supports text boxes. Updated for latest Word version (Mac and Windows). Note: the keystrokes described in this document will work only with fonts from Australian School Fonts.

  • Dotted-Thirds and Slope Lines GT_v2.0
    130 kB

    A guide to the keystrokes for the standard Dotted-Thirds as recommended by each State's handwriting syllabus as well as commonly found alternate Dotted-Thirds. This document also gives the keystrokes for the Slope Lines character in each of our fonts. Note: the keystrokes described in this document will work only with fonts from Australian School Fonts.

  • GT Australian & NZ School Handwriting Styles_v1.1
    481 kB

    Shows the six current handwriting styles taught in Australia and New Zealand schools and available from Australian School Fonts.

  • GT Australian School Fonts Info_v2.1
    763 kB

    Information about Australian School Fonts™, including samples of all the styles available for each of the six regional areas.

  • GT Custom Keyboard Layout Installation_v1.1
    106 kB

    Instructions for installing the Australian Aboriginal GT and Phonetic Latin GT custom keyboard layout software (Mac & Windows) for use with our Tight Text GT fonts and our Beginner Regular & Thick fonts.

  • GT Font Installation & Replacement_v1.7
    163 kB

    How to install your fonts on Windows, MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, Android and Linux. Includes the essential steps to follow when upgrading to a new version of the same font which has the same name as the old version.

  • GT Lettershape Comparison_v4.0
    186 kB

    Document that allows easy cross-comparison of the basic lettershapes from each of the six regional areas.

  • GT Standard Licence Agreement_v4.0
    90 kB

    Standard Licence Agreement (EULA) applying to all items purchased from this website.

  • Installing Fonts in iOS/iPadOS using AnyFont app
    299 kB

    Instructions for using the third-party app AnyFont (available from the Apple app store to install fonts on your iPhone, iPad or iPod. (Thanks to Maria McKenzie). See also

  • Licence Price List
    309 kB

    The current price list for all of our Licences except for our Publishing and Web Licences which are quoted on application. Includes our current Site Licence fees and conditions. This document replaces and supercedes all earlier price lists.


    The above Graphity! resources are free but they are still strictly protected by copyright (© Graphity! 2001-2025). These files may not be redistributed by any means (eg download from a website) which imposes any financial barrier or actual cost on the recipient. If these files are made available free on or via another website then the original source must be explicitly acknowledged.


    Other Resources:


    Writeboards® worksheets, templates and clear reusable handwriting practice/tracing boards.

    Writeboards clear reusable handwriting practice/tracing boards.   Writeboards worksheets and templates.

    The Writeboards® website at uses our Australian School Fonts handwriting fonts exclusively to create their vast range of Worksheets and Templates – over 2100 different items are available for each State.

    Click below to see and download samples of the Writeboards resources in each of the five Australian styles:

    5064 kB
  • QLD
    5051 kB
  • SA
    5061 kB
  • TAS
    5059 kB
    5119 kB


    Letter Form Assessment Version 2 (LFA) by Karen Ray – University of Newcastle (FREE Download)

    Letter Form Assessment Version 2 (LFA) - User Instructions and Training Module ©2023 Karen Ray    Letter Form Assessment Version 2 (LFA) - Assessment Resources ©2023 Karen Ray

    The Letter Form Assessment Version 2 (LFA) is an individual, standardised, performance-based assessment that has been developed to measure handwriting fluency acquisition for children who are learning to write, or have difficulties with handwriting acquisition. The LFA evaluates handwriting fluency acquisition for beginning writers, and is validated for children who have had an introduction to letter names, sounds and forms and who are at least in the first year of formal schooling (in Australia, this foundation year is known as kindergarten, preparatory, reception, or transition). Administration of the LFA follows a standard procedure, which can be learnt by completing the training module in the User Instructions and Training Module document (Section 5). Administration of the assessment takes between five and ten minutes. The LFA was devised and developed in Australia and can be used for any alphabetic font both in Australia and inter-nationally. The videos and audio must be used in conjunction with the LFA User Instructions and Training Module document, in order to learn to administer the assessment correctly. Click here to download these free LFA resources from the University of Newcastle site.


The Australian National Curriculum/The Future of Handwriting
